Monday, 11 December 2023 by Richard Willems

Common challenges in software delivery


In a previous blog post, I delved into the 10 steps of software delivery and the six key roles involved in the process. If you missed it, feel free to catch up here.

Today, I’m shifting the focus to three prevalent issues that often arise in the software delivery cycle, along with some strategies to effectively address them.

Thursday, 23 November 2023 by Richard Willems

Release 2023-11


Over the past two months, we’ve been hard at work to improve Orange Elements, and today, we’re thrilled to announce our latest release packed with numerous improvements and exciting new features. Guided by valuable feedback, we’ve focused on three key areas of enhancement: Software Delivery Applications, Feature Improvements, and Configuration Improvements.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023 by Richard Willems

10 steps of software delivery


Software delivery is a complex process that involves various stakeholders and a series of predefined steps to develop tailored functionality for business processes. This blog post is the first one in a series of posts where I will describe the software delivery process, the possible pitfalls and challenges and how you can address them. In this first post I will describe ten typical steps in the software delivery cycle and the roles that participate in that process.

I will focus on software delivery, assuming that the product strategy and future roadmaps are known and agreed upon within the organisation. I’ve also omitted any discussions about changes to business processes and procedures for the sake of simplicity. Lastly, I did not include any roles or activities related to infrastructure and hardware, also for the sake of simplicity.

It’s important to note that, not every step is mandatory for every project. Furthermore, the list of key players and steps is not exhaustive. Specific steps and their order may vary based on the development methodology, project requirements, and team dynamics. However, knowing these steps is important in understanding the complexity that comes with creating software.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 by Richard Willems

Simple No-Code Software that works for Small Teams


In today’s fast-paced business environment, small teams often find themselves juggling multiple tasks, wearing many hats, and facing tight budgets. Especially when it comes to IT projects and software delivery.

But what if there was a solution that could streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and eliminate the need for developers and hardware? Introducing the no-code solution from Orange Elements, which offers user-friendly features, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness for small teams.

Introducing the no-code solution from Orange Elements

We are delighted to announce the public release of Orange Elements No-Code, a simple no-code solution specifically designed to meet the requirements of small teams.

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