For each project you assign a team that will work on the project. Projects can work on features, bugs, tests or tasks. Each of them can be discussed by leaving comments and documented by creating pages and adding files. For each feature, bug, test and task you assign who is responsible.
Test are first setup as a test case and linked to a product. When you want to execute the test you can copy it to the project. When you find a bug bases on the test, you can easily copy the test to a bug. Same goes for a feature. This way the test cases are fully reusable for next tests and you can track the progress of the test execution the same way you track other activities.
To manage all the work Orange Elements has two dedicated views. One per user where (s)he can see the work that is assigned to him or her. Another view is the team view, here you can see the current status of al the work executed by the team. During daily stand-ups you can use this view to discuss the work that is done and the work that is still open or blocked. You can also use this view to assign work to other team members.
To inform the rest of the organisation how the project is doing you can register project progress. We have designed a simple way to track your progress. Just set the percentage complete and rate Progress, Cost, Quality and Team and you are done. Progress is indicated with colors so it is very obvious when something needs attention. If you need more categories to score on, you can use our no-code layer to easily add one.