Privacy Policy

Version 2023-09-26

Orange Elements delivers a no-code solution for small teams. Doing so requires us to process personal information when we interact with you. We think privacy is important and we value your privacy rights. This policy describes which data we collect and what we do with it.

When we say “Company”, “Orange Elements”, “we”, “our” or “us” in this document, we are referring to the legal entity 4Kings B.V. using the brand Orange Elements. 4Kings B.V. is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands under number 34185513.

When we say “Services” or “Product”, we mean our websites and, created and maintained by Orange Elements.

When we say “Client”, “you” or “your” we mean you, the person or company that has an product account and uses our services.

This privacy policy can change over time, if we do decide to change it we will inform you about the changes.

If you don’t agree with this privacy policy, do not use our service, no questions asked.


This privacy policy is aimed at how Orange Elements collects and handles personal data. Our service is a no-code solution where you can define your own data structures. The way you handle and store data in our service is not part of this privacy policy and is out of scope of this policy.

We urge you to use best practices and keep your sensitive data secure.

Orange Elements is not responsible how you handle this data, you are.

Data we collect

We collect personal information in the following situations: Website visit, the moment you register for a trial, the moment you signup for a paid version and when you use our service.

Website visit

When you visit our website we store cookies that identifies the user. These cookies are used by Google analytics and Google youtube to store data, we use this data to improve our website.

Google stores information about your computer, such as IP address, language, country and which browser you are using.

You can control which data we collect by adjusting the cookie settings. These settings can be changed when you visit the website or by clearing the cookies from the browser settings.

Signing up for a trial

When you signup for a trial we ask for your company name, first name, last name and email address. You also set a password to log in.

We use your company name for identification purposes. Each company has a separate environment in our service. Your first name and last name is for identification purposes within the service. Your email address and password is used to log in. All this data, except the company name, can be changed, anonymized or deleted in the user management section of our service. Because we use the company name to create a separate environment, you cannot change it.

You are responsible for upholding the security of your account and password, and it is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your organisation do the same. We enforce strong password usage but it is your responsibility to keep your credentials secret and secure.

Signing up for a paid version

When you sign up for a paid version we ask for payment information. The only reason why we do this is to collect the recurring fee.

We use Stripe to perform the collection of these fees. Payment information is only stored at Stripe and not on our servers.

We support the following payment methods: Apple pay, Google pay and credit card payments. For Apple pay and Google pay no additional data is stored and payments are handled by Apple and Google. For credit card information your credit card number, card holder, expiry date and CCV code are stored at Stripe. If needed, your VAT number and business address is also stored. We need to do this so we can calculate the VAT on the recurring invoice.

You can read the privacy policy of Apple Pay here.
You can read the privacy policy of Google Pay here.
You can read the privacy policy of Stripe here.

Make sure you are comfortable with one of these terms and pick the one that suits you best.

Use of the service

When you use our service we store information about your interactions with the service. We do this so we can analyze the usage and improve our service.

There interactions are stored as long as you are a customer. When you terminate your account, we will delete all data and information after 60 days. Data from trial accounts will be deleted after 30 days.

We might aggregate and anonymize your interaction data. When we do, this data is not considered to be personal information anymore and can not be tracked to you personally.

When you enter a support ticket we may ask you to give us more information so we can help you better. It is completely up to you to decide if you want to share this information or not. We shall only ask for information that relates to the ticket. This information is stored in our ticketing system.

We use reCaptcha from Google for the login page, the register page and the reset password page. We do this to protect these pages from abusive traffic and make sure our service works smoothly. We do not sent your IP address to Google. To learn more about reCaptcha, you can read this.


Our application servers and databases are hosted by Digital Ocean in a data center within the European Union (EU).

For customers outside the EU we might host the service in a EU region near you or any other region that is closest to your country. For customers within the EU, the application servers and databases will always be hosted in a datacenter within the EU.

To keep your (personal) information safe and secure, Orange Elements has implemented several security measures.

When needed we encrypt data. For instance passwords and other secrets are fully encrypted. Password cannot be read by anyone, not even by employees from Orange Elements. You can reset or change your password at any time. Within the service you can manage your users yourself. It is your responsibility to manage your users securely.

Any data that is passed from our servers to your browser is encrypted and delivered over TLS. All your data that is communicated between our servers is encrypted using end-to-end encryption. Your data is only accessible by trusted IP addresses and cannot be accessed by other machines.

Data is only accessible to staff members on a need to know basis.

At least once a year we validate if all our security measures are still valid or should need adjustments. We will inform you if we have taken additional security measures that might impact you.

If you have questions about security contact our security officer at [email protected].


Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Orange Elements acts as processor and you act as controller. If you act as a processor Orange Elements will act as a sub-processor.

A Data Processing Agreement is part of our Terms of Service and this Privacy Policy. You can read the Data Processing Agreement here.

Do we provide your personal information to others?

The simple answer is no, we don’t provide your personal information to others then mentioned in this privacy policy.

We will never, ever sell your personal information to anybody else.

What happens when we have a data breach

In the case that we have a data breach, we are obliged by law to inform the authorities about this. In the Netherlands this is Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

We will notify affected clients within 48 hours of discovering a data breach. We will communicate the nature of the breach, the affected data, and the estimated risk. We will also appoint a contact person and describe the steps we are taking to mitigate the problem and protect your data. We will keep you informed of our progress as we investigate the breach further.

If you want to investigate the problem yourself, we will assist you within reasonable measures.

More information and complaints

Your data is yours not ours. As a customer you have rights. If you want to know more about how we handle your data or restrict us from processing it in any way feel free to contact us at [email protected]. If you want to delete personal information that you cannot delete yourself, you can also contact [email protected].

If you have a complaint you can contact us at [email protected].

We take data protection seriously and will do our utmost to handle your data to your satisfaction. If you do have a complaint that can not be handled by us, you can raise a complaint at the Dutch privacy authority Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

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